Roger Skogen

Technical Assistance

Roger has over 25 years of experience working with water and wastewater and is certified class 3A, 4B, 3C, and 1C operator- in -training. He has experience in Lagoon operation and maintenance, U V systems, Net DMR, permit applications, sampling, and certification. Roger was involved in 2 major upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment and Collection Systems as well as installation of the U V Disinfection system.

Roger served as a member of the Water and Wastewater Operators Advisory Council from December 2003 to November 2015; where he served as Council President from 2011 to 2015. Roger won the Wastewater Operator of the Year award from Montana Rural Water for 2013, and the Town of Valier won the 2007 Montana Water Environment Association Small system of the year award for “Outstanding Operation and Maintenance and Administration of a Wastewater Treatment System” with Roger as the lead Wastewater Operator.

Contact Roger for any questions you have related to wastewater, water, or training assistance.

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Roger Skogen

Technical Assistance


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